(Mengerskirchen / Waldernbach, ) SAP relies on Airstream promotion trailer for roadshow and shows digitisation live! at the customer.

Many events are interchangeable these days: Keynotes, lectures, trade fair stands and evening events. Instead of having the pressure of finding the right contacts in a mass of customers, SAP goes directly to the customers and gathers all interested parties at a digital presentation table.

For this purpose, SAP had one of the legendary American Airstream caravans converted into a promotional vehicle. The flagship of the European Airstream fleet was converted for this purpose by the official Airstream European importer ROKA-WERK GmbH and other partners according to customer requirements. At the same time, it serves as a technology carrier for smart home technologies and as a business lounge.

Six main topics are covered in the Airstream®: Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Live Decision Making, Customer Engagement as well as User Experience. In addition to the diverse scenarios, participants can try out exciting innovative technologies - from voice control with the help of Amazon ECHO, to drones of the latest generation, to the HoloLens from Microsoft. This enables a new kind of customer interaction, where the agenda is set up according to the customer's wishes and the topics are customised. During the SAP tour for banks and insurers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, digitalisation and innovation can be experienced live under the motto Digitalisation in the Airstream.

By visiting 80 customers in 2017 and 2018, as well as through additional participation in public events, existing and new customers are to be inspired to open up new business areas. Using use cases, SAP shows the concrete added value of digitalisation on this tour and demonstrates sustainable and concrete benefits.

For more information and booking enquiries about the tour, please visit the website: http://events.sap.com/de/tour-banken-versicherer/de/home