Airstream Germany
Roka Werk GmbH
Daimlerstrasse 4
D-35799 Merenberg
Phone: +49 (0) 64 71 / 50888 - 0
Sales and service centre
Roka Werk GmbH
Boschstraße 4
D-35799 Merenberg
Phone: +49 (0) 64 71 / 50888 - 6001
Managing directors with power of representation:
Volker Beck, Armin Heun
Registry Court:
Limburg Local Court
Registration number:
HRB 3074
VAT ID no: DE 112629704
Roka-Werk GmbH takes great care in compiling the contents of these Internet pages and ensures that they are regularly updated. Nevertheless, the information provided is for non-binding general information only and is no substitute for detailed individual advice. Roka-Werk GmbH does not guarantee that the information on these pages is up-to-date, correct and complete, or that they can be accessed without disturbance at any time. If we refer to Internet pages of third parties (links), we do not assume any responsibility for the contents of the linked pages. By activating the link, you leave the information offered by Roka-Werk GmbH. Different regulations may therefore apply to the offers of third parties, in particular with regard to data protection. Furthermore, we exclude liability for services, in particular for the download of files made available on the Internet pages of Roka-Werk GmbH, for slightly negligent breaches of duty.
Data protection
All personal data collected on the website of Roka-Werk GmbH will be stored and processed exclusively for your individual support, the sending of product information or the submission of service offers. Roka-Werk GmbH guarantees that your data will be treated confidentially in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations.
All texts, images, drawings and other works published on the website are subject to the copyright of Roka Werk GmbH, unless otherwise noted. Any reproduction, distribution, storage, transmission, broadcasting and reproduction or forwarding of the contents is expressly prohibited without our written consent.